
jeudi 25 mars 2021

A dedication for Usher

Dear Usher. 

I'm writing this letter because you have always good advice. 

I would like you to give me some. Before I start telling you my life,  I'd like to make an introduction : Remember your first exploits, new beginning in this Chatt town.

  You had saying: “I wanna be a Superstar” and when you had been meeting a Dream girl you slipped in her ear: "Sweet baby, let's do the Jolly dance”. Because you always had this talent and the magic groove. Oh, it's not a criticism, I do not judge you, it's only human. Grace to you we can keep dreaming. Yes, the love for girl, for all and especially for our family. Ah! Mother's luv... This the most important love for stability and balance in a man's life, I think.

     I have relationship problems with my wife maybe we are going divorced. (Sorry I start without interlude).

In first, Usher. I was surprised when you say:"You took my heart and now I smile againCan u get wit it when think of you makes me go crazy? . It's the slow love, tells me that I'll make it rightI will show you love, yes the many ways to love.

Love as a final goodbye. Because we can’t stop, won’t stop, the whispers that say: love was there. " 

          Yes, I was surprised, it's amazing because it's just like me!

It's like my way too! You know, So I said to my wife:

Come back ! I  will want a slow jamnice and slowYou make me wanna”. Before bedtime, I thought, "one day you'll be once again mine". It was my way, I thought ... So we made love.

 Love is the hottest thing that binds us but 8701 minutes later, there was still this need separated. It will be better. Maybe ... 

I don’t know. She  could say will;  "u don’t have to call me", end of T.T.P ... anyway.

As I have already told him; “I can let you go. I got it bad. U got it bad. When I talk to you  turn around”.  Anyway, I don't care , pop ya collarHow do I say that? I can go back to my good old ghetto, if I want to do...alone without you. (Twork it out, now ...)

Usher, I need advice... Yes again. U remind me, your fan who tell you "Kingsun". You are right , the relations are complicated…Please can u help me?

        Yeah, it’s my fault. : I know, I know, I know, I know, I know. (It's not sunshine when she is gone). I made a mistake. 

I have to make confessions. I met a girl in a club with red light and told her: “follow me”. The throwback light of seduction has caught up me. An error born of a simple things. she was not my boo, she was a bad girl to whom I said "take your hand offyeah. That's what it's made for. Do it to me. Oh, my! What did I do? Confessions burn. Too late ... 

Tell me Usher the superstar, am I an idiot?

  Even if the truth hurts, says the me. Can you handle it? How could my wife have borne this?

         Before I met you, I worked in a club (two months, years 1999). The world of the night is so different. I am here. 

Here I stand in this club. We learn from others, from his mistakes. At night, the club becomes a trading place. We do not care about life, we appreciate life, with an appetite for affection.    

  When we say, "What’s you’r name?" or "I love you gently", this Ain’t sex, it's just something special. The love in this club is tenderness. You know… lifetime

Or say ; I will work for love, people look surprised, it looks so insane to moving mountainsWhat a man to do?

Today, here I stand it’s the best thing.

          Oh My Gosh! Usher Monstar! I'd like to go back in time, erase my mistakes or get cloned to blame the other. Imagine, it would be funny two Usher … or notRaymond versus Raymond. Anyway ...Okay, I am just guilty of being a man. 

There is so many girl, graceful and beautiful. Just a pro loverMars versus Venus. We need fooling around. Okay, I shouldn’t write it on papers, but I forget it. She don’t know what I'm going to do when I get out of Daddy's home (hey daddy, lil freak!). She does not care now. We cannot making love anymore. I know, it’s my fault too and never again would I tell her: “there goes my baby”.

And now the turn for the 2nd round I'm introspect; looking for myselfI know I.F.U but… I know, sins of my father. Remote of my childhood, always lost in my crazy memory whom looking for myself, again. If you think my mind is twisted, you may be right. In fact, I'm just a fan and I care for you. 

  In your turn, show me what happened to youLemme me see, you who say the words, such as these hot things as in "Climax" a lessons for the lover ...  Numb by your songs, I can’t stop, I won’t stop to scream "Euphoria". All this leads us to the real quest for our own lives and finally you're right kingsun; it's hard to love ...

I can say her, "tell me, talk with me, FwmI need you, I missing u, she answers: “let me, it’s down time” …I need a stop ? "Oh, God! You make you a believer, but it's too hard to love ... 

  We were in the same team, stronger like champions. now we are rivals. However, believe in me, we loved each other no limit ... (The true love is all that I ask). it was paradise ...The woman is complicated in the mind of man ... truth bump?

 A conclusion: I've been married for twenty years.

At first; Great matrimony whit promises to love for the best or the worst. I was happy to see by her as a star. Naive, I don’t know, maybe I believed in miraclesClueless…We made love ATA, at home, at the movies, here, everywhere else…me nothing, she said; "Say what u want, okay.  You decide ".

   All days of my birthday (She ain’t tell ya but she never forgets), full of people at home, those she chose. (Her friends, this army?). Today, I understand that it's not true love, it's obsession. (should we be fear of it?) I am tired of that.  I don’t continue to look down, it’s as a necessity, I must break these chains, I must wake up, no longer go back to sleep. When I stay at home, I see that: It’s looks more like a gift shop. The act has become rarer and so are the feelings. Enough...


Whatever, I'll stop bothering you with that. No worries, I'm going to fix that ... Life is beautiful by the way.  

Anyway, peace signs it’s good idea, let us continue to spread positive waves around us.

Peace sign, it feels good ... thank you for that.


To conclude :


We, men are bad at relationships ... too much.

Often bad habits comes thru our lives and we spoil our love. In life, there are tears (We were told that men don’t cry but between us I confess, I cry sometimes) but she gives miracles too….

 In short, romantic relationships are complicated. ok, we had understand, we aren't going to spend all night long  (I won’t that you think "Don’t waste my time")

  So I finish this text on this sunny day. And yes, tomorrow is daylight saving time. (Got it in California? It's always summer there, right?)

Best regards


Post-Scriptum :

       You have come a long way since you were young. 

Your faculty to sing and dance forged by your passion for life. That passion, she's all that and she lit up your way and the planet and you turn to light it up... You've had a great career with those highs and lows. These joys and sorrows. Yes, also these sufferings because the life is not like "the pleasure island" of Geppetto. We know that you are the soul of a Texas Ranger. Be careful not to be confusedin the mixthe killers and the justiciary. You would rather be the heroes. You knew how to surround yourself and coached artists like Justin Bieber, never say never it could have been 5 times like a scary movie but for Justin Bieber, you believed in him.

You know what you want, nobody manipulates you as if this Showbiz Muppets Most Wanted, because you are strong, you have hands of stoneA brave popstar who says: Never Stop Never Stopping... People You May Know like Chris Brown who says Welcome to My Life.

Even without a microphone, you are impressive. When you drop the Micit's as if you're burden the last of the showmen because your voice is incredible... Even if you were a hustler among the hustlers or have the appearance of a rich disco client, that will not change anything.

 You are Usher, the generous Usher, philanthropist with that charming smile and captivating voice and that, already it's wonderful because you change the world to make a better place…So ... Thanks for what you are...


God bless and protect you ...

jeudi 11 mars 2021

I am free

                 I know, you can't understand, but now I'm free


What I have in my mind, never you can understand

Matters of my mind is mine…I am free


You don’t know me actually, don't pretend to act like

True love is open and free. He can't stand handling


You don't know me, maybe my dream is:

To hunt whale hunters, or destroy the world

To cause pain or save everyone

To be in the skinny jeans of a superhero who is on fire

To come to terms or worse with a soul-eating vampire


Living together is solace not an effort .To be free is not a crime

But in your fool's game, like a cat's paw, you become a victim


What do you want? you are not the center of the Earth.

I don't like caviar so what? It is a problem.

Not a fan of champagne but serve a glass anyway

I prefer the cigar and I like to roll my cigarettes

It makes me nerdy even if I don't take drugs


No need for your approval for my future

Neither of your permission for my choices, it's sure


What I have in my mind. No, no... you can't  understand

Matters of my mind is mine…I am free


I am not your crazy lip-lap. I am not your Knick knack. Enough of your selfish dreams...Enough of your whims…


You don't know me, maybe my dream is:


Have my butt in the air and go around the globe

Be a mystery hunter or dress up parades

Private detective who consoles a Pin-Up in danger

To have girls at my feet that I will call "Dolls"

Dive into the dark depths of the seven seas

A cowboy with no future killing the mad gangsters

To be a Rasta president of a fantasy kingdom

On a demented yacht I'll call "Don’t panic, chum"


What I have in my mind, never you can understand

Matters of my mind is mine…I am free

mercredi 10 mars 2021

Et tout, et tout, et tout...


Et tout, et tout, et tout

Quand le touriste déraille et s’auto-selfise. Le batukai s’enjaille, l’autochtone défrise...

Pour ce que t’en sais… 

Qu’est-ce que j’en fais ?

Si tu le dis, c’est sûrement vrai

Si je te le dis, c’est que c’est vrai…

Si tu vas t’en sortir ?

Qu’est-ce j’en sais ? 

Si on le savait...Si on savait tout. 

Qu’est-ce on en ferait ?

Ce que nous prépare l’avenir. 

Et tout …et tout …et tout


   A ceux qui apprécient les artistes 

   Ou qui voit en nous qu’des rêveurs idéalistes

Ceux qui n’aiment pas les égocentriques

Paumés un peu fumistes

Les autres ne savent même pas qu’on existe.

Moins de guerre pour moins de morts

Moins de misère et plus d’amour.

Ne pas rester seul et ne plus souffrir.

Plus de tolérance moins de tristesse

Plus de compassion de compréhension et de sagesse


Et y a ceux aussi qui se croient pure souche ?

Moi chui daltonien.

Ils sont plutôt louches avec leurs airs de rien

Et leur discours de fasho

Pourtant, Ils n’impressionnent personne

Ils n’ont vraiment rien dans le cerveau

A l’intérieur leurs pensées raisonnent ...ou bien ? 

Impossible à deviner, je ne suis pas medium

Encore moins nyctalope

Et ce n’est pas marquer sur ton front,

Que t’es juste une sal…

Chut, faudrait pas s’énerver, 

Je ne perdrai pas mon calme pour ces attardés

Ouvrir son âme aux cœurs purs 

Découvrir le monde et d’autres cultures.

Que la passion ne s’éteigne pas, 

Protégeons la santé de ceux qu’on aime

Et bénissons ceux qui nous aiment…