Makes me a light
Come on, tell the world, he’s coming home …king
is back
Favor, for mercy Yogi-Sun. Makes me a light
You, you are my mirth, it is my truth, my
The sun shine again, Alleluia;
King is back
“A prince of
light” you are, who enlightens our way
Artist complete and more; lock in stock and
powerful, sower of love, all days,
Bearer of hope you are, and holder wises
Thee, you have
known by your sweat imposed your voice
Choreographer, actor singer and more still
Choreographer, actor singer and more still
inspiring many people like us
You knew how
to show the quality of your skills
Come on, tell the world, he’s coming home …king
is back
A fabulous coach with
encouraging advice
Always attentive and advocates
of justice
follow your path peace, man, the life appears less dark
Today lot of
persons destroy life of others
they are so interested
in win a money.
They are being
uninteresting, no valor
So, money and
nothing else..........Love is in danger
Please Yogi-Sun, continue your way always new
Your wisdom me drew, calm, alright, already knew
Face of the great teacher is
back; it's a pleasure.
Illuminate us with your smile,
that is for sure
Come on, tell the world, he’s coming home …let
it be
You, who warms the soul, which
restores self-confidence
I read these comments, sweet
vibe and good melody
Always take joy bliss to listen your strong
Life remain
very sad without you, find the lane
Time goes by,
mistakes past, sometimes go away
A rock-climbing
higher than the present mountain
Erase doubts
and come back…and mean lighting our ways
When the
apathy for the world come, cry the hearts ....
When the
silence let enter doubts and quandary
Come on man,
we are in danger because of that
Come back
brother, this planet need artist like thee
Come on, tell the world, he’s coming home …king
is back
We need rocking with the best, yeah! Put your hands high
We need rocking with the best, yeah! Put your hands high
New opportunity … nothing that
we can't try
Pick up your phone, come
on..., Tell the world he’s coming back
Dédé ( DNP)